Record collection

This archive lists all documented variations of Beatles records, tapes and discs released in Canada, from April 1962 to present times. It is the culmination of years of research, a great network of savvy collectors and generous friends who contributed to this archive.

This archive currently features unique Canadian items, and will continue to be updated regularly over the course of the next few years to complete the different sections of this website.

**Please note that some pages might take a moment to load, their photographic content being quite rich.**

Detailed content covered in this archive

(these sections are being updated regularly)

  • ・Beatles Canadian Albums (1963-1970)
  • ・Beatles Canadian Albums (1971-1993)
  • ・Other albums worth mentionning
  • ・Beatles Canadian Singles (1962-1970)
  • ・Beatles Canadian Singles (1970-1993)
  • ・Beatles Forever Series
  • ・Apple Canadian Albums
  • ・Apple Canadian Singles
  • ・Apple 2.0 Releases (1994-present)
  • ・Beatles Canadian Tapes (Reel, 8-Track, Cassette)
  • ・Beatles Canadian CDs
  • ・George Martin Discs
  • ・Beatles Composition by Other Artists
  • ・The Beatles playing for Other Artists
  • ・The Rarest Canadian Discs
  • ・Interesting Variations
  • ・Hidden Section (other artists of interest)

This would not be possible without you:

  • Fred Young
  • Piers Hemmingsen
  • Gilles Valiquette
  • Gilles Pépin
  • Jeff Levy
  • Andrew Croft
  • Steve Cifford
  • Ian Gosling
  • Yvan Tessier
  • Sonny et Michel
  • Brian Schofield
  • And all of you dedicated collectors who have contributed by sending scans, information or valuable insight.